A source Sheila Jeffreys used to construct her sex essentialist anti-trans book, Gender Hurts is currently stalking trans kids.
“I am grateful, too, to the new wave of radical feminism both online and offline. Radical feminist bloggers such as… Dirt from ‘Dirt from Dirt’, among others, have provided invaluable factual material, references and ideas on their blogs, without which it would have been harder to write this book. Indeed, over the period that this book has been incubating, radical feminist bloggers strengthened and clarified my analysis.” [1] – Sheila Jeffreys, Gender Hurts, Acknowledgements
The below conversation is between a trans advocate and the account run by a collective of TERF opinion leaders. The TERF account expressly endorses the harassment of children in the hopes that their adult gaze and assessment might make transition too difficult to undertake for other trans kids.
1.) To be clear, while these individuals may self-identify as “Radical Feminists,” they reject core RadFem analysis on the patriarchal nature of a belief in a natural sex binary or sex essentialism. These self-proclaimed “RadFems” very much believe in a natural sex binary and believe that there exist certain essences which, if present, authenticates a human body as either male or female.
Such dogma is only found in an ideological offshoot of Radical Feminism known as Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism. Actual Radical Feminists such as Wittig, Dworkin, Stoltenberg and MacKinnon reject sex essentialism. Moreover, the Radical Feminist movement has a long and courageous history of supporting trans people.
