“Gender Critical Feminist” is the euphemism TERFs use to describe themselves and is a movement of TERFs and their sycophantic crew of intersex and trans quislings who are exempted from being LOL’d at as long as they agree to occupy a subordinate position within the group.
This group believes that there is a binary sexed essence which, if present at birth, defines all people. Intersex people, according to this crew, are deformed men and women because sex is a binary and not a continuum. In addition to “Gender Critical Feminists,” they also like to call themselves Radical Feminists (even though they reject the foundational RadFem theorists who rejected a natural sex binary and who were supportive of both intersex and trans people).
I recently had a twitter conversation with one of these trans TERFs, to learn more about the power dynamics between trans tokens and the TERFs they attach themselves to:
