Anti-trans RadFems, AKA Trans Exclusionary RadFems (TERFs) – not to be confused with non-hate radical feminism (AKA, feminism) – claim that gender is a fallacy. As an ironic (though the irony is completely lost on them) substitute, they’ve invented a binary system they call FAAB and MAAB. Once someone is Male Assigned At Birth (MAAB), they are endowed with a privilege that can never be removed, degraded or overcome. A homeless monolingual undocumented transwoman escaping her country of origin due to anti-trans violence has more privilege as a MAAB than a rich, white Female Assigned At Birth (FAAB) corporate banking attorney. The transwoman proves this by demanding access to the same homeless shelter space as non-transgender women. If the transwoman uses the same restroom as the FAAB corporate banking attorney might, the rich attorney is being oppressed by MAABness. Also, if the transwoman gets frustrated by the FAAB corporate attorney taking the transwoman’s picture and putting it on her blog to “warn” FAABs of a MAAB who’s gaining access to women’s spaces, the transwomen has just proven her MAABness through “male rage.”
See? Gender is an illusion and we’d all be better if we could understand this. FAAB/MAABness is real, omnipresent and can’t ever be changed and we’d all be better if we could put our everlasting faith into the inerrancy of the MAAB/FAAB doctrine. Whatever a FAAB needs to do to free herself from MAAB oppression, is morally correct: she’s fighting against male violence. Male violence looks like transwomen exhibiting any of the behavior FAAB TERFs exhibit because that proves that she’s MAAB.
Adding to the irony is that those appeal to the “male socialization” MAAB trans women have, whether she transitioned at 4, 14, or 24, her self-ness is defined my “male socialization.” This essence of selfhood is asserted to be everlasting and this belief system is totally not gender essentialism because gender critical people know that gender essentialism is nonsense and if you bring up this deficiency in their logic, the sex essentialist will usually try to change the subject.
