Love made yet another post asserting (without evidence, of course) that she’s a victim of the word “transgender,” that the evil transgender umbrella is evil and transsexuals were colonized:

So, I replied…
Answer the following 4 questions:
1. When did transgender become an umbrella term?
2. When did transsexual stop being an umbrella term?
3. Exactly how many decades has transgender referenced the transsexual experience?
4. Where did the term come from and does it mean today what it meant then?
You know how I know you don’t actually know any of this? Because A.) you wouldn’t have made this post to begin with had you known the answers to these questions; B.) you wouldn’t be thinking about deleting this comment for the crime of challenging your reality; and, C.) you’ve never once back[ed] up anything you assert with any objective fact.
So, while I know you’ll delete this comment, I’m going to at least answer the above questions so that you can no longer claim the excuse of ignorance…
1. When did transgender become an umbrella term?
In American and in Britain: 1974
2. When did transsexual stop being an umbrella term?
1980: Until then, a “Type 4 transsexual” lived only part time, didn’t want surgery and may have have not wanted to take hormones.
3. Exactly how many decades has transgender referenced the transsexual experience?
Exactly 42 years now.
4. Where did the term come from and does it mean today what it meant then?
Throughout the 1970s, the term only ever meant transsexual or was used as an umbrella term. Transgender was used in the 1990s in the [s]ame context that it was used in the 1970s.
So, to be clear: From this point forward, you and I will both know that you are purposefully misrepresenting reality to suit your own personal agenda.

From my past experience with Love, I’m apt to conclude that contradicting her beloved version of reality wherein she is both a brutalized victim AND heroic freedom fighter isn’t exactly allowed. I therefore don’t hold much hope that my comment will actually appear on her blog. Now… what was it that I predicted just weeks ago?
The Separatists who are left seem to represent the JustJennifer/RadFem/Nick Chaleunphone/Ashley Love contingent. They are the remaining vanguard of a movement which now finds itself without a coherent narrative… So where do the TS Separatists go from here? I predict that if they choose to carry on, they will fall into 1 of 2 broad narrative factions:
1.) Deny! Deny! Deny! I-CAN’T-HEAR-YOU! LALALALALALA! Some will simply pretend that the truth is not the truth (I predict Ashley Love will take this course) and/or that any/all evidence which disproves their narrative will be asserted to have been faked… History – the centerpiece of all the TS Separatist arguments over the past 5 years – will now become somehow irrelevant. They’ll argue that this is today, and today has nothing to do with yesterday; therefore, “transgender” is evil. How did it become evil? It just did. Why is it evil? Just because… that’s why! The imagined horror of “transgender” will become a matter of faith and dogma.
“Transgender” means today what it meant in 1974. Love needs to get over herself. She’s not a freedom fighter, she’s not oppressed by a word and the transsexual community was most certainly not colonized. From here on, it can be asserted – with evidence – that Love is either willfully ignorant or that she is purposefully misrepresenting facts to suit her own purposes.
To belabor the point, weeks ago I wrote, “History – the centerpiece of all the TS Separatist arguments over the past 5 years – will now become somehow irrelevant.” Here’s Ashley appealing to history:
The results of this colonization has been devastating to the progress of transsexual (TS) and intersex (IS) Americans. Look at the history, and the law books- it’s all there. Ever since cross dressing men and transvestites co-opted the transsexual movement, TS folks have actually LOST already pre-existing rights.
– Ashley Love, 2010
Apparently history isn’t that important to her anymore… and this is why the TS Separatism movement is dead.
So, pick a side:
“Look at the history, and the law books- it’s all there. Ever since cross dressing men and transvestites co-opted the transsexual movement, TS folks have actually LOST already pre-existing rights.” – Ashley “I’m colonized” Love
– VS –
Yes, let’s look at “the history, and the law books”…
“There are numerous subjects who would want to change their sex identity in order to perpetrate crimes of homicide, tape, robbery, assault, etc.”- Columbus v. Zanders, 266 N.E.2d 602, 604–06 (Ohio Mun. Ct. 1970)
“Christine Jorgensen, 33-year-old ex-GI who underwent sex-switch operations, shows her diamond engagement ring as her fiance, Howard J. Knox, 38, holds her hand in New York marriage bureau. Christine was refused a license to wed because her birth certificate listed her as a male.”
Start of Jorgensen’s problems: 4/1959 and the problems continue: 7/1959.
Apparently Ashley would rather YOU live in a world like the above rather than a world where:
- HUD stops trans discrimination
- Contrary to Separatist predictions, trans employment equality ≠ Doom
- EEOC moves to protect trans folk under Title VII
- Contrary to Separatist predictions, the IRS is fine with deducting trans expenses
- As it turned out, the right wing was on wrong side of history and political systems embrace transgender people
Because stuff like having a Federal protections to ensure equal access to housing and employment for all trans folk is bad. We need to return to the good ol’ days. You know…

Tenderloin Transies Protest
Thirty-three drag queens were evicted from their apartments in the Tenderloin area of San Francisco, triggering protests from TVs and TSs who live in that area. The mid-day demonstration protested police harassment and housing discrimination against the drag community.
While your reading this story, be sure to click on the image of the above report and read the story about the TS man who “resigned” for being TS. Here’s his story:
Sex-Changed Teacher Resigns Position
ESTANCIA, N.M. (AP) – Rose Lee Lucero was a tenured woman teacher in this rural community for seven years, until she reported this fall as Rohn Lee Lucero, a man.
After a flurry of formal and informal action, the school board accepted the teacher’s resignation, school officials said Wednesday.
Lucero, 37, couldn’t be reached for comment.
The executive director of the New Mexico School Boards Association, Frank Ready, said the resignation was requested by Estancia Supt. Stanley Newton. Ready said the resignation letter simply mentioned surgery, and community pressures.
“As it was resolved, the school, community and teacher are much better off ,” he commented.
– Las Vegas Optic, August 29, 1974, Page 1
See, if we could all just return to this pre-“colonization” era – you know, “the pre-HUD protections and pre-EEOC Title VII protections, pre-President who was cared for by a non-op trans woman nanny” era, all the problems of transsexuals would be solved! The belief that “history, and the law books” somehow proves that everything was better for transsexuals back in the mythic good ol’ days is a DELUSION. It’s a myth… as in, a lie people like Love tells to get you to buy into their faith dogma. They’re the trans version of a Holocaust deniers in that, against all in-your-face evidence to the contrary, people like Love assert a mythical past wherein the truly dreadful is whitewashed in an attempt to support a delusional version of history. Those who spread false memes of a 50s sitcom vision of transsexual history diminish the real struggles we’ve been through. It’s a shameful slap in the face to every Rohn Lee Lucero that lived.
These are but a few objective refutations of the “everything was great before those mean ol’ crossdressers messed everything up for transsexuals” meme. Either crossdressers ruined the lives of transsexuals through a world-wide colonization of transsexualism by the inventing the term transgender in the mid-1990s or this is just a fact-free meme the few remaining Separatists like to push. There is a objective truth to be known here. Either transgender was in use internationally during the early 1970s or it wasn’t. Either that early context of “transgender” aligns with the current context or it doesn’t. One can either accept reality or choose to live in a fantasy world.
Which will you choose: fantasy or reality? Ashley’s obviously made her choice.
UPDATE 4/14/2012:
No, she won’t allow facts to sully her victim/freedom fighter complex:

So, there you have it: as I predicted, this is what’s become of the TS Separatist movement. Love actively attempting to repress facts which contradict her fallacious narrative. I called it weeks ago that if faced with reality, Love would stick her fingers in her ears as shout “LA-LA-LA-LA-LA” as loudly as possible.
The TS Separatism movement – as it has existed over the past several years – is truly dead.

Pick A Side: Fantasy or Reality: #transgender
Cristan you are funny. The side I pick is a place I doubt you will ever experience but I actually hope you do. Best wishes on that.