9:15 AM: Court begins
9:20 AM: New Nikki Araguz lawyers are introduced. This represents what can only be called a GLBT law dream-team !
9:30 AM: Motion made to void Judge Clapps ruling. The other side never addressed the affirmative arguments made by Nikki Araguz and the judge sided with the ex-wife – in violation of Texas law.
9:45 AM: Court goes into recess as Judge Clapp admits that he hasn’t bothered to even read the motions that are before him this morning…
11:30 AM: Judge just got done reading the motions before him and just announced to everyone that he was going to take a leak…
11:35 AM: Just overheard an opposition lawyer state that he thinks his case is doomed because marriage equality will happen before this case is resolved.
11:45 AM: No surprises, Judge Clapp ruled against Nikki again. Why? He said it doesn’t matter that Texas procedural law wasn’t followed, he would arrive at the same decision if the case was retried and would be a waste of the court’s time.
Noon: Court is dismissed…
The Nikki Araguz Legal Dream Team

thats nice that he hasn't even bothered to read the motions set before him- arghhhh
Yes the bastard does not care about TG people
This really sucks. Take it to another court and you will have a better outcome. You have lots of support Nikki.
This is a clear violation of legal procedure. I honestly think that this case may go all the way to the Supreme Court simply because I do not have faith in Texas justice.
sheesh, are you frakin kidding me??? just like that??? '…truly, truly the law is blind. I find this all very disgusting…And I agree with Jessica above, they need to take this higher up. Texas Courts?? yeeeah, whatever, Texas Law is soooo bunk when it comes to GLBT rights.This is what I have been saying all along…we need a National Agenda…maybe this will be the begining of something big, rEaLLy BIG!! 🙂